Crew photo and engine room photo from the collection of Earl S. Leonard, MM2c on SC 112.
The crew photo shows the crew forward of the pilot house, by the Poole deck gun. Note the bearing indicator under canvas, mounted on the pilot house. This indicates that it is a war time photo.
The second photo is an excellent, clear shot of the engine room, looking forward. The three horizontal tanks are air tanks used to start the Standard Motor Construction Company 220hp gasoline engines.
Note the Black Gang's "No Man's Land" sign hanging over the tanks. The engine room was typically filled with engine fumes, often poorly ventilated. Above three pressure guagues is a ship's clock.
The sign to the right of the clock reads, "Ten Commandments of the Engine Room" -- but unfortunately the text isn't legible. To the right is a work bench, with tools hung on the front. The telegraph from the pilot house is on the left.
Thanks to crewman Leonard's grandson. Rob Leonard, for submitting this photos to The Subchaser Archives.