Resources and Links — Books Reviews of books related to the study of WWI submarine chasers. Belknap - The Yankee Mining Squadron Chambers - U.S. Submarine Chasers Daniels - Our Navy at War Hashagen - U-Boats Westward Laslo - Interallied Victory Medals Leighton - Simsadus: London Loomis - Walt Henley Overseas McDonald - The Tin Openers Michels - World War I Victory Medals Millholland - Splinter Fleet Moffat - Maverick Navy Nier - The Gleim Medal Letters Nutting - The Cinderellas of the Fleet Sims - The Victory at Sea Standard Motor - 110-Foot U.S. Submarine Chaser Willoughby - Yankton, Yacht... Woofenden - Hunters of the Steel Sharks Book traversal links for Books: Reviews of books pertaining to subchasers ‹ Resources and Links Up Belknap - The Yankee Mining Squadron ›